Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

After graduating at a high school, many of us, dear students, may have found ourselves in a dilemma where to go next, what to enroll, whether to study abroad etc.? Individuals have dared to take such a step, while others, in fear or lack of information or any professional help to seek for, gave up on such an idea. Whatever this question might be, we are pretty sure that so many young people are currently in quite dilemma whether to study (continue their studies) abroad or not, and if that is actually a good decision for them?

Following that, and guided by our previous experience and collaboration with vast number of young people similar to you, we bring some basic advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad, which we are sure will help you solve this eternal dilemma.


When we do say STUDYING ABROAD, the first fears, logically, are how to cope with the language, the new culture – can I speak a certain language well enough and fluently, can I listen to lectures in that language? How will the new environment accept me? Will I like the city, food etc.? We have to admit that these fears are completely justified and represent basic obstacles that you may encounter, but they are definitely not insurmountable and something that cannot be further worked on. These problems, in fact, should be accepted as a kind of test and motivation that can make you work more on yourself and to make you gain new know-how and skills. Studying abroad and staying in a new environment and actively using a foreign language will help you master it and adopt it (of course, if you make an effort and gain basic and necessary knowledge for a language course enrollment), while staying in a new environment will make you adapt and become independent, which is, you have to admit, an excellent springboard for a better life and a successful career in the future to come.


A more reasonable obstacle, which is definitely a big challenge for any student who wants to study abroad, is a separation from the family and his/hers distance from it. If you decide to study abroad, you are aware that you will have to thin out your home visits and that you will not be able to be constantly be surrounded by your dear friends and family as before. On the other hand, by going to another environment, you open up the opportunity to meet a lot of great young people, and to make the most diverse friendships with many different personalities and characters. Therefore, this can be again a kind of challenge that will prepare you for an independent life, for growing up, and something to provide you so many new experiences, quality acquaintances, future business associates and, at the very end, a memorable memory.


Gradually speaking, perhaps the most reasonable obstacle that can distract you from the idea of ​​studying abroad, are budget and finances. Studies abroad are, as a rule, more expensive than ours, the standard of living is higher, and so are the costs. Airline tickets, meals, accommodation, those are all things that need to be put on paper and that must be additionally financed. But even that is not unsolvable. Many colleges, states, etc. provide scholarships and benefits for the foreign students, so why not take advantage of them? Ask your consultant about potential scholarships and opportunities on free studying abroad, and maybe find internships and part-time jobs after high school that will allow you to earn extra money by the beginning of the school year.


Studying abroad is also hampered by bureaucratic problems, and collecting a lot of documentation for both enrollment and visa… This can be a very arduous and demanding job, but also not impossible. With adequate assistance and customer support (of an expert/consultant), this step can be greatly facilitated and resolved very quickly. Consulting support, therefore, is an excellent start and a good support for future students, so you should use it and opt for if you find yourself not ready enough for that.


When it comes to consulting support, the same can seem as something very scary and very expensive, unreliable, but believe it or not, most consulting activities are actually free, and there are many discounts and types of support which are created for everyone’s pocket. It is only important that you go in search of the same without prejudice, and that you have a deep faith and desire to study outside the country.

On the other hand, when there is will and motivation, a deep desire for improvement and personal development, studying abroad should definitely be viewed through the prism of its benefits and everything that you will get by choosing those benefits:


We have already mentioned that personal development during studies abroad is one of the main benefits, in addition to acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. In the new environment, by gaining new acquaintances, assimilating to a new culture, accepting diversity, you will develop many new skills, but also emotions within yourself. You will learn how beautiful diversity is, how important tolerance, collegiality and adaptation are. You will develop your own, personal skills, such as resourcefulness, multitasking, communication…


Since you will be completely self-centered abroad, independence is inevitable on this very path. It is a very good feature for your further development and progress that will prepare you for both career and future family life. The sooner you become independent, you will see how you will develop other qualities such as resourcefulness and calculation, which are not bad at all, but can further contribute to your coping in various situations throughout your life. For example, if you learn at a young age to save money, handle it, to pay bills, to collect and fill out various documents, to take care of personal belongings and own space, there is no doubt that the arrival of heavier and greater additional obligations, such as work and family, will be much easier for you, so you will not accumulate additional stress and worries about things that you have already adopted as some routine.


There is no doubt that education abroad differs from ours, primarily the system itself is different, and not to mention practices that are very common and which are a great way to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in your profession. Education in your home country does not necessarily have to be bad, but acquiring a new education is different, so acquiring some new habits, solving problems, knowledge and experiences of people coming from other cultures can only be additional bonus and plus for both your career and progress. We do not have to view education as exclusively academic, what you will learn at the university, but it also concerns the improvement of language, and the acquisition of new knowledge about the culture, cultural identity, the values ​​of a new nation etc.


We have already talked about acquaintances and making new friends, but here we would like to focus primarily on contacts! Acquaintances do not necessarily mean friendships. There is no doubt that friendships acquired in studies will be a special moment in your life, but you never know when even quite casual acquaintances, and people passing by, may be useful in the future and someone you will contact, whom you will rely on. Isn’t it great that in the future you can contribute to your company by establishing international cooperation, by organizing trainings, seminars in cooperation with acquaintances from abroad, that maybe they will remember you and invite you to a job interview etc…?


Career is perhaps one of the two most important reasons why studying abroad is the right decision for you. When we add up all the previously mentioned benefits of studying, we can say that they will influence the creation of your abundant CV, and experiences that will bring you a better career and position at work.


And as the most important reason that we would state as the benefit of going to study abroad are memories. Amazing experiences, anecdotes, ups and downs, visits to various places, participation in various events, organizing parties, board game evenings, time spent with colleagues, friends, working on science, on yourself, those are the things that will actually remain behind those few years spent on studies. When you look back and see how much progress you’ve made and what you all carry as a keepsake, we are sure you’ll be pretty sure you’ve done the right thing. Because in the end, we believe in it ourselves!

Sincerely, Edu Evolution.

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